Sunday, February 8, 2009

So I have a lot of ideas in life that I really believe in. These ideals are not the norm when compared to my friends, family, and pretty much anyone I've ever met, known, or come in contact with. But still the same this is what I truly believe. I don't believe in having faith in something if that faith makes you feel bad. I have spent alot of my life listening to what others told me I should believe. I pretended for a long time to go along with that belief system even though I had a lot of unanswered questions. When I would ask questions and given no real answer I was always told I must have faith to believe in things that did not seem right to me. I will no longer live my life this way. I am open minded to other kinds of believe systems. I believe in many gods. I believe in life after death. I believe in life before birth. I think this is just a very small stage in our eternal life. But in no way is this either the begining or the end.

My website will not be devoted completely towards my religious believes. It will also be about my believes in science, politics, love, and life.

If you find what I write to be offensive in any way please don't take it personal. I would never attack someone else's beliefs, I am only asking for the same respect. That being said please always feel free to comment. Even if it's just to tell me I'm a total idiot. I am always open to here others point of view. And it takes alot to offend me.

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